Make sure that required java is in your JAVA_HOME.For macOS version 11 (Big Sur) and beyond.nvvp -vm /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-8.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java nvvp -vm should point to the JRE update 151 version of Java (See Notes about JRE Requirements, below). (Refer to the Notes about JRE Requirements when using Visual Profiler on the macOS section, below) Download and install the required version of JDK.Drag nvvp folder and drop it to any location you want (say ).dmg file to mount it and access it in finder. Remote profiling from a macOS host to other CUDA enabled targets, however, is supported. Native macOS profiling is not supported in this release. Instructions for installing Visual Profiler on the macOS Follow the directions for remote debugging at.

Please visit each tool's overview page for more information about the tool and its supported target platforms. Note that the Nsight tools provide the ability to download these macOS host versions on their respective product pages. While there are no tools which use macOS as a target environment, NVIDIA is making macOS host versions of these tools that you can launch profiling and debugging sessions on supported target platforms. NVIDIA® CUDA Toolkit 12.1 no longer supports development or running applications on macOS.